Permission to access Keypas is assigned to users through the main Nexus admin panel. Permissions can be granted separately for assessment data, census data, CLA (children looked after) and CIN (children in need).
Tree View
Tree View allows you to see the raw data that has been imported by your LA, and provides error-checking reports and tools to help you ensure that the data you send to DfE is valid and accurate. While Collect does include its own error-checking process, it is a lot easier for LAs to clean and correct the data in Keypas first as the tools within Collect are not as user-friendly.
Start by selecting the relevant phase or dataset from the menu on the left:
- EYFSP Data – assessments provided directly to the LA by schools
- Phonics – assessments provided directly to the LA by schools
- KS1 Data – assessments provided directly to the LA by schools (statutory up to and including 2023, then only available for subsequent years if the LA/Schools opted to submit and collect)
- KS2 Data from DfE – initial test results and teacher assessments provided by DfE through Key to Success in July
- KS2 Data from schools – teacher assessments provided directly to the LA by schools (many LA will not use this option as schools can submit direct to STA)
- KS2 Data from AAT – revised test results and teacher assessments provided by DfE in the autumn term
- KS4 Data – GCSE results summary provided by the DfE through the Tables Checking exercise.
- KS4 Exam Results - examination board files provided to the LA by schools (and CSV files for those exams not supplied in the EDI format)
- Cross Key Stage – Pupil premium import
- Maintenance – provides a list of ethnicity codes and known first names and sexes used in error checking
- CLA (SDA903) – Children Looked After return to DfE that identifies which children are looked after by your LA
- Current CLA cohort – taking the most recent SDA903 data as a baseline, this allows LAs to update the CLA cohort with changes during the course of the year
- CIN – Children in Need return to DfE that identifies children referred to LA social care services because their health or development is at risk
- Census – contextual information about pupils from the termly census. Note that only relevant fields from the census are retained.
- Attendance – termly absence data for pupils derived from the termly school census.
- Exclusions - termly exclusions data for pupils derived from the termly school census
Once you have selected the phase you are interested in, select the appropriate year at the top-right. We recommend you make your year selection before choosing any further options as sometimes reports may use different data sources for different years and so changing the year will reset any options you have chosen. Further filters may be available by clicking on 'Options' at the top of the main panel (depending on the report selected).
Within each phase, there are a number of options (not all options are relevant for all phases):
- Data cleaning – this section includes various tools to check that data submitted is valid, for example that every child has a compliant UPN and date of birth within the expected range, and that every child has a mark or combination of marks that is allowed. This is important as many MIS systems allow invalid data to be submitted.
- Exports – this section includes summary data at LA and school level and a flat file that includes all pupil-level data. Reports can be filtered using the filter options at the top of each column
- Imported data – this section provides an editable grid if LAs need to make amendments to the data submitted* or to mark queried data as correct, and gives an audit trail of any changes that have been made in Keypas.
- Reports – this section provides audit trails for imported and amended data, and provides a summary of any unresolved errors or queries in the data.
* We advise LAs to avoid making amendments to the data in Keypas where possible, and to instead ask schools to resubmit the corrected data in most situations. See 'Responsibility for importing data' section of the Importing Data Overview for further details.
See 'Importing results into Keypas' for further details on cleaning imported assessment data.
At busy periods of the year, there can be large numbers of LAs trying to import multiple files into Keypas at the same time. To minimise waiting for LAs, a "queue" system is used, whereby LAs load their files to import into a queue that is then processed in turn, allowing the user to continue to use other parts of Nexus or to add more imports to the queue without having to wait until the first file has been processed. Multiple users in the LA can add files to the import queue at the same time, but there is a limit - per LA - to how many files can be in the queue at any one time.
At the top-left, you can click "Import new file" to add a new file to the queue. You can either import a single file from a school or a ZIP file of multiple files for a particular phase. See 'Importing results into Keypas' for further details.
On the left-hand side in blue, you can see the files that your LA has added into the queue, where they are in the queue and how quickly they are progressing towards the top of the queue.
On the right-hand side, you can see the files that your LA has recently imported.
- You can click on the filename or where it says (eg) "3 files" to see whether the import was successful for each school, and how many boys' and girls' data was included in the import. It is useful to check that these numbers look roughly right to make sure that the school has given you a complete dataset.
NB the success check on this view only checks whether the file has been imported into the system, it does not mean that the data in the file has no errors in it. - If the upload has a green arrow icon then the data passed the validation checks in Keypas. You can click on the arrow to see the relevant grid (which shows all schools' data, not just those in that import).
- If the upload has a red bell icon then the data contains errors or queries. You can click on the bell to see the relevant grid (which shows all schools' data, not just those in that import). Note that even when you have corrected the errors, the icon for that import doesn't update will still show a red bell.
DfE returns
Keypas creates the files needed for statutory returns to DfE for EYFSP, Phonics and KS1 (until 2023), and also for KS2 teacher assessment where LAs choose to submit that data on behalf of their schools.
Select the phase you need and the year, then either tick the 'Select all' box at the top of the list or tick individual school(s) as needed. The list identifies schools whose data has previously been exported, and any schools that have suspected errors in their data.
Queries that have been marked as 'correct' in Keypas, such as date of birth out of range for a child who has been held back a year, will still be counted as errors at this point.
Search pupils
A facility to search for results from pupils by forename, surname, date of birth and/or UPN. This will retrieve results imported into Keypas from any historic year from EYFSP up to KS3, but not those obtained from NPD files.
Batch reporting
Batch reports are automatically compiled from one or more multiple reports, and can be compiled into a single file or created as a separate report to each school, which can then be distributed to schools through Broadcast or downloaded for LAs to send out using their own systems.
More details about batch reporting
Contains advanced settings for batch reports, and options to add individual pupils to Keypas data or delete user-defined data. These facilities are provided for exceptional circumstances; we recommend that LAs ask schools for corrected submissions instead of manually adding pupils wherever possible.
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