Once you have imported data from schools - and some other types of imports - you will need to start to process it, identifying any errors and running reports. Since 2018 most reporting has been handled in the Nova part of the system (apart from data quality style reports still handled in Keypas) with analysis more recently delivered through Insight. The following article documents how to run those remaining reports in Keypas (as well as historical reports for assessment years that were before the migration to Nova.)
To begin viewing data and reports click Tree View from the Keypas menu bar. The page below will be displayed.
The tree view page is split into two sections; the collapsible side-menu on the left of the screen with the + and - alongside each option will allow you to select which assessment stage or option you are viewing. The second section is the main body of the page, which contains the data or reports depending upon which option you choose.
You also need to use the Result Year drop-down to select the year you want to work on. Note that it is better to first select the year and allow the screen to refresh before selecting any other options as not every option is available for every year, (leaving you to wait for the screen to refresh and then re-select your options to make a change).
Use the + and - icons alongside each assessment Key Stage and side-menu option to view your reporting options, the expanded assessment/contextual stage is shown below (not every option is shown for every assessment stage):
- Data Cleaning - Options within here allow you to run Data cleaning checks on imported data through a two step process - the first to identify and the second step to fix those errors or queries
- Exports - Views raw data from Keypas that can be exported into either a .csv or .xls file.
- Imported Data - Allows you to view any assessment or contextual data you have imported.
- Reference Data - Displays national data, descriptions of Key Stage Codes & Points Scores.
- Reports - Displays a list of available reports, these can be either reports to check for data inaccuracies
In addition to the assessment stage options shown above, the following items are also displayed in the same side-menu.
- Pupil Premium - Currently displays imported pupil premium data that applies across Key Stages.
- Maintenance - Displays first names and ethnicity codes used within Keypas, and details of reports by Key Stage held within Keypas. You should not normally need to make any changes in this section.
- CLA (SSDA903) - Displays the data for the CLA reporting (the SSDA903) broken down by Key Stage assessment (where the user has CLA permissions).
- Current CLA Cohort - Displays data imported by the LA to update the Current CLA cohort (after the SSDA903 import) (where the user has CLA permissions)
- CIN - Displays data for CIN (Children in Need) reporting
- Census - Displays imported census data, broken down by the term of the census. Within each term there is an option to view the imported data or access LA or school summary data.
- Attendance - This option displays imported attendance data (taken from school census files) at the pupil level or LA or school summaries. This is available for the Autumn term, the Autumn and Spring term or the Full Academic Year.
- Exclusions - This option displays imported exclusions data (taken from school census files) at the pupil level or LA or school summaries. This is available for the Autumn term, the Autumn and Spring term or the Full Academic Year.
- Predicted outcomes - Displays imported predicted outcomes data, split by Key Stage, where the LA has opted to run that exercise with their schools
Upon further expanding and selecting any of the nested options, the main body of the Tree View will display the data or report. When viewing imported data in this view, the data is displayed in a tabular grid.
Tree View - Imported Data
The Imported Data section has sub-options which determine the data that is displayed in the viewer. Please note, not all options are available for all Key Stages.
- Audit Log - Displays pupil records that have been modified since import – the type of change, date of change are recorded along with details of the amended field including the new and old values.
- Expected Cohort sizes - Displays the DfE Number of the Setting/School along with the expected cohort size for the assessment stage – used with the Cohort Differences report to check for possible missing pupil.
- Pupils - Displays all imported pupil assessment records including all matched data such as the school census, pupil premium and user defined fields.
- Schools - displays a list of schools for which data has been returned (Key Stage 2 from Schools only)
Tree View - Exported Data
Exports in the Tree View have been partly superseded in recent years by NOVA reporting and therefore some options below are legacy options for preceding years.
- LA - summarises assessment information at the LA level
- School - summarises information at the school level
- Pupils - pupil level file of data
- End of year 2 results (Phonics only)
- Region - summarises results at the regional level based on the LA and DFE region of the logged in user
- National - summarises results at the national level
The following is a summary of the type of legacy exports available - the majority are common to all assessments, but some are subject-specific so only available for a particular Key Stage
- LA Profile (various groupings) - Summary of scores at LA-level
- LA Characteristics (various groupings) - Summary of scores at LA-level by vulnerable group - e.g. sex, SEN, FSM & EAL Note: the pupil census details must have been imported for these reports to be populated
- Pupils Flat - Summary of scores at pupil-level in an all-pupils listing, including pupil characteristics Note: the pupil census details must be imported beforehand for the exports to include the pupil characteristics
- School Profile (various groupings) Summary of scores at school-level in an all-schools listing
- School Profile by Characteristics (various groupings) Summary of scores at school-level in an all-schools listing by vulnerable group - e.g. sex, SEN, FSM & EAL Note: the pupil census details must have been imported beforehand for the exports to include pupil characteristics
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