End of KS4 Pupils
You should use this grid to check and update your end of key stage 4 cohort, only those pupils at the end of key stage 4 will be included in exams analysis in Nexus.
An end of key stage 4 cohort must be identified, as it is only those pupils that will be included in Nexus exam analysis.
There will be a Keypas grid called End of KS4 Pupils that will contain those pupils that have been deemed to be part of the cohort but you will also have the opportunity to include or exclude pupils on this grid.
Inclusions or exclusion on this grid and in key stage 4 analysis is based on the following, assuming the results year is 2024 in this example.
NC Year 11 - if a pupil is returned in the 2024 Spring census by a school in your LA and have been returned as NC Year 11, they will be included on the pupil grid and included in analysis, regardless of whether they have any exam results.
Age 15 (@31/08/2023) - if a pupil is returned in the 2024 Spring census by a school in your LA and are aged 15 based on their date of birth but have not been returned as NC Year 11, they will be included on the pupil grid but excluded from analysis. Again no exam data need be present for these pupils.
Exam Data - if a pupil has exam data and they have been returned in the 2024 Spring census by a school in your LA, but they are not 15 or NC Year 11, they will be included on the pupil grid but excluded from analysis.
For any of the above pupils that have been included on the grid, you can include or exclude them from analysis. All pupils other than those that are NC Year 11 on the spring census for the selected year will be excluded from analysis but you can choose to include any pupil by removing the tick in the exclude column.
Please note that if you include a pupil that was previously excluded you may not see them in your Insight or Nova analysis until the following morning.
This grid will also tell you if any of your pupils have results that have been shared from another LA, results shared from another LA will not be automatically included in your analysis.
End of KS4 Exam Results
This grid will only be populated with pupil results from pupils who are not excluded on the End of KS4 Pupils grid.
All results from the end of key stage 4 cohort will be included on this grid regardless of what year they were achieved.
If a qualification is on performance tables for the selected year, it will be indicated on the grid, as only qualifications that are on performance tables will be included in Nova and Insight analysis.
Should you wish to exclude individual results from your analysis then you can do so by ticking the box in the exclude column.
You do not need to exclude results that are not on performance tables as they will not be in your analysis either way.
Please note that if you exclude a result you may not see the change in your Insight or Nova analysis until the following morning.
Exam Results (All Pupils)
This grid will be populated with all certified results that you have imported into Nexus in the selected year, it will not include unit results that might be part of your Exam Board Import results files.
If a qualification is on performance tables for the selected year, it will be indicated on the grid, as only qualifications that are on performance tables will be included in Nova and Insight analysis.
Should you wish to delete results you have imported then tick the box in the delete column and results will be deleted once the grid is reloaded.
Please note that if you have shared a result for a pupil that has been matched to another LA, if you delete this result it will also be deleted for that other LA as well.
Unmatched Pupils
If you import exam results for pupils that are not matched to a census record in your LA, you will see them in this grid.
Pupils are matched to the spring census of the selected year using their ULN and a match is attempted cross LA.
If a pupil is matched to a spring census record of another LA then you will see the name of that LA in this grid, also whether you chose to share results cross LA when you imported.
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