Key Facts...
This import is used purely for data checking purposes. It is not used for reporting or submission to DfE. You can import an expected cohort size for each key stage for all of your schools.
Once imported, you can run the cohort differences reports on the relevant primary phase Keypas tree view, to see if the imported results set cohort is different to the expected cohort size.
Cohort sizes are often estimated based on the Spring Census and - once loaded - you can determine your school cohort sizes from the census Keypas tree view. The sole exception is that the Year 2 Phonics expected cohort is generated by the DfE and supplied to LA by email.
LA's cannot usually estimate the year 2 phonics expected cohort as it is based on both the number of pupils that failed to pass at the school in year 1 (which the LA does know) added to the number of pupils who joined the school since Year 1 who also did not pass the assessment in another LA (which the LA cannot determine). Users should note that experience has demonstrated that DfE Y2 phonics figures are often in error for several schools. (Hint: If you do share them with the schools, be sure to caveat the numbers as being supplied by DfE and subject to inaccuracy. You may also wish to advise schools to check Get Information About Pupils to determine the Phonics results in Y1 for any pupils who arrived after the June Y1 check and before the end of Y2, though this should have been determined at the point of entry to the school to help them meet that pupil's needs.)
Expected Cohort Example Import...
You can download a sample file for this import from the Keypas import screen if you do not already have a copy
- Log into Nexus and browse to the import screen - Keypas>>Imports
- Download the sample file (if you do not already have it)
- Complete the necessary numbers in the sample file and save the updated copy
- Return to the import screen Keypas>>Imports>>Import New File>>Expected Cohort Sizes
- At the bottom of the import screen you can either drag and drop your zip file or add related files. The upload button will appear once you have added a file.
Where expected cohorts are held once imported
After you have successfully imported the expected cohort sizes for any of EYFSP, KS1 or Phonics you can find the imported figures in Keypas. Keypas>>Tree View>>Select Assessment>>Imported Data>>Expected Cohort Sizes
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