The LA Imported Data Details page is intended to provide Local Authorities with additional information about which LA in their regions and statistical neighbour groups have imported their data in order to judge the reliability of their comparisons. It will also afford Virtual School leaders with information to help determine whether another LA where a child is being educated out of authority has loaded their in their data.
This page is additional functionality to the Keypas Import Indicator widget which has been a feature of many users home pages for several years. Like that widget, the LA Imported Data Details screen updates from a nightly cache - it is therefore possible that an LA may have loaded more data during the day than is displayed until the overnight update.
What are the differences between the Keypas Import Indicators widget and the LA Imported Details screen?
The older Keypas Import Indicators widget has been a crucial source of information for Nexus users and includes the number of LA's or pupil's data sets that have been imported to determine the reliability of the overall emerging national figures. This widget remains in use and will show the same data it always has including the import completion within the Local Authority.
The LA Imported Data Details screen now provides the detail behind that, which LA have imported their data and how much of it with options to view all LA, my region or my statistical neighbours.
How to access the LA Imported Details screen
There are two ways to access this functionality:
1) Via the button at the bottom of the KeyPas Import Indicators widget (highlighted yellow). Not every user may be able to see the Import Indicators widget based on their permissions, so those who cannot can use option 2 below
2) Via the Admin menu in the top corner of the Nexus page.
Interpreting the LA Imported Data Details
On screen there are options to select from:
- Academic Year - defaults to the current reporting year, but you can look back if necessary
- Local Authority Selection: - All / My Region / My Statistical Neighbours and the ability to jump down the list by LA name
- Data Type - Early Years and KS1, KS2, KS4, School Census and Vulnerable Groups (e.g. CIN census, SSDA903 and SEN2)
Data on completeness of LA loaded data is provided in two different ways depending on the type of data. For data that is loaded from a single file by the LA there is a simple tick where this is complete or a grey cross where it is not:
Where LA are loading the data school by school, a representation of the percentage loaded is shown instead using the following key (estimates based on number of pupils from the previous year):
In terms of the actual status, this is shown as follows:
You will also notice in the screenshots above, that you can also view the overall national import levels, the status of the NPD (National Pupil Database) file loaded centrally by Angel Solutions once available and your own LA (Southampton in the examples).
Other useful features
The data shown on this screen can be exported using the button alongside the key:
There is a link at the top of the page to take you to the Nexus users section which will allow you to find users in another LA who you may wish to contact in order to prompt their loading of data that is 'missing'.
Important notes
- As previously mentioned, LA Imported Data Details page updates overnight. It is possible that some data may have been loaded between the last refresh and when you are looking at it. LA may also have different local deadlines for their schools in providing data (within the DfE deadlines) and different timeframes for loading central data files than your LA does.
- You should use care in approaching other LA/NCER member about 'missing' data. Consider the point above during assessment and understand that members are not compelled to load data into Nexus, they do as a choice and because it is useful for them to do so. We would encourage every LA/NCER member to load all the data sets in a timely manner as part of a common good for the membership but you cannot demand that any other member does so. It may also be more useful to consider approaching Virtual School to Virtual School - for example - rather than central data functions that may not be as involved in the data being used.
- Filters for 'my statistical neighbours' will be correct for the year selected and follows DfE lists. If the statistical neighbours changed in previous years, the filter will pick up the previous definition. If there are changes in the future, the plan is that this will also be picked up.
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