This help article is a short guide to importing pupil premium data - an important contextual data item for Nexus analysis - which determines the disadvantaged cohort. Much more detail about pupil premium data and where to find it is included in the dedicated pupil premium help centre section which can be found here:
- What is pupil premium data and where can I download it?
- How to import pupil premium data
- Pupil premium filters for reporting
Key Facts...
This data is made available by the DfE via Get Information About Pupils (GIAP). Release dates have varied over the last few years from April to July, but keeping an eye on the Nexus forums will alert you to the publication in any given year.
Though that file only contains pupil premium data, it is critical because it determines the disadvantaged cohort, which is otherwise unavailable for reporting from any other data source.
Until the pupil premium file is available and imported you can present FSM/FSM6 data in reports as a proxy for this measure (most pupil premium pupils are deprivation funding pupils = FSM6)
The DfE have over the last few years, posted different versions of the pupil premium file, they overwrite rather than create a new version so you'll need to look out for an updated date on the file. Typically when a user from another authority notices this has been updated they will update the forums and you are encouraged to do the same if you are the first such user.
You can always find more information in the Nexus forums or from the help articles linked above.
Pupil Premium Example Import...
Pupil Premium files can be downloaded from Get Information About Pupils as a single csv file for your LA.
- Log into Nexus and browse to the import screen...
- Keypas>>Imports>>Import New File>>Pupil Premium
- At the bottom of the import screen you can either drag and drop your file or add related files.
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