If you want to benefit from rolling out Perspective Lite to all your schools, just like many other Local Authorities already have, then this handy guide will give you an overview of the process and show you how easy it is!
What is Perspective Lite?
Perspective Lite is a collection of free tools, resources and reports for school leaders and teachers. The data that your LA see in Nexus can be shared with schools securely, by sending or publishing it in Perspective Lite.
Just like you have a log in for the Nexus system, staff in schools would have a log in for the Perspective Lite platform, to access any data you share with them.
For more information please check out our website, or refer to our help centre for any support you may need.
Why roll out Perspective Lite to all your schools?
Perspective Lite has been rolled out to 20,000 schools in over 100 Local Authorities. It can help save the Local Authority time and automate processes for you - helping you focus your time and resource where it is needed most. Many even use it to generate income as part of their Traded Service offerings. The data you share in Perspective Lite mirrors Nova and Insight, so it is familiar to you already from Nexus. There is support available every step of the way - and no extra cost!
School users find these reports and dynamic charts valuable and simple to understand. Feedback said that school leaders became more confident exploring their school's data with these tools.
Users with the Can access Perspective Services Management Console permission control which schools see what information and when data is available within a few clicks. Saving you time and worry over data sharing. This is handy for where you may have separate arrangements for your maintained schools and academies.
But it's not just about data, there are also secure communication channels and free time-saving resources for your schools. So Perspective Lite can support better engagement with your schools, too!
The rollout process
Each rollout is tailored to suit your Local Authority, however, the process tends to follow the four steps below:
1. Contact
Contact the LA Team at Angel Solutions. Contact information can be found at the bottom of this guide.
Decide when you want to roll out and how you will discuss this with schools. Common practices include LA-wide school sessions and Head Teacher briefings. Angel Solutions are also on hand to offer joint sessions as well, to help schools get the most out of Perspective Lite and get the launch off to a fantastic start!
2. Prepare
2.1 School Contact Details
Ensure your school and Head Teacher information is up to date. Users with the Can access Perspective Services Management Console permission can navigate to Admin > Perspective Services and export this data to check.
Make any corrections and return the export to perspectivesupport@angelsolutions.co.uk.
The Support Team will update your schools and return a fresh export to you, so you can check everything is in order.
If all information is correct, inform the Support/LA team of your intended rollout date, so welcome/reset emails can be scheduled for that date.
2.2 Setting Modules & Populating Data
Users with the Can access Perspective Services Management Console permission can toggle which modules are on or off for schools via the Admin > Perspective Services Console. The following modules can be made available both LA-wide or specific to schools.
Data Tabs |
Keystage Headlines showing School, LA and Early National data. Specific Key Stages can be switched on/off via Nova > Admin > Data Settings. |
This is populated automatically if your LA has imported attainment data and the module is switched on for that school. |
Nova Interactive Reports | The school's version of reports you see in Nova. | This is populated automatically if your LA has imported attainment data and the module is switched on for that school. |
Insight | The school's version of the Insight area of Nexus. | This is populated automatically if your LA has imported attainment data and the module is switched on for that school. |
LA News | The news management tool in Nexus allows the LA to publish news items to appear in Perspective Lite. |
Populate accounts ahead of time via Newsin Nexus. |
Records of Visit Reports |
If you are using our Pendulum Records of Visits module, then switching this on will include any visits that have been created by your Local Authority. |
Populate accounts by creating and finalising visit records, within Pendulum. |
Documents / Files |
If you are using our Broadcast module, look to populate the school's document pool with any historic data, as well as current intelligence, so they have everything in one place. |
Populate accounts by uploading and distributing documents to schools, within Broadcast. |
For more information on the Perspective Services module, please see the Perspective Integrated Services help guide.
Please contact our Support Team if you would like a dummy Perspective Lite account. Although dummy accounts cannot contain any real pupil-level data (due to impacting national averages) they are useful for you to see what a school sees inside their system. You can also send visits and files to your dummy school if your LA subscribes to Pendulum or Broadcast.
3. Inform
Compose any separate communications for introducing schools to Perspective Lite and alert them that they will receive a welcome/reset email on your chosen rollout date. Please see the Perspective Lite Rollout Resource - LA Comms to Schools guide for an example template.
Many LA's have hosted events to introduce Perspective Lite to schools or included Perspective Lite sessions as part of their conferences and events with schools. The team at Angel are happy to attend these either onsite or remotely, where appropriate, to ensure that your schools get all the information they need and can hear how other schools make the most of Perspective Lite.
4. Activate
The Support Team can save you time and admin by sending the welcome/reset emails on your chosen date and will be on hand to help with any login issues schools may have.
Who do I Contact?
If you are interested in rolling Perspective Lite out to your schools, or have previously rolled out and want to relaunch or update your school list, in the first instance please contact our Local Authority Accounts Team on LAteam@angelsolutions.co.uk.
Alternatively, let our Support Team know via perspectivesupport@angelsolutions.co.uk.
Did you know that you can interact with your schools via two additional modules, that can be added to Nexus?
Broadcast allows LA users to securely upload and distribute multiple files to schools, it interacts seamlessly with Perspective Lite and there is functionality for schools to send documents back to the LA, too. For more information, visit www.angelsolutions.co.uk/broadcast.
Pendulum is a record of visits module within Nexus that integrates with Perspective Lite. It adds consistency of reporting and quality assurance across teams visiting schools. With templates customised to individual LA needs and analysis for strategic leaders to understand the current position of schools. Schools can then access all their records of visits within Perspective Lite. For more information, visit www.angelsolutions.co.uk/pendulum.
If you are interested in a demonstration of Broadcast or Pendulum, please contact gillian.heath@angelsolutions.co.uk.
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