Who do I get in touch with if I am interested in rolling out Perspective Lite, or refreshing my Perspective Lite schools?
Please contact LAteam@angelsolutions.co.uk or nexussupport@angelsolutions.co.uk.
Where can I see a list of current Lite accounts and Head Teacher details?
Users with the Can access Perspective Services Management Console permission can view a list of Lite accounts in your LA via the Admin > Perspective Services menu in Nexus. The page shows you the current contact we have for that establishment. You can export this and send it to our Support Team with any bulk updates you may require.
Where can I find out more about Pendulum?
Our website or help centre are the best places to find out more. If you are interested in a demonstration of Pendulum, please contact our LA Accounts Team at LAteam@angelsolutions.co.uk or call 0151 541 4028.
Where can I find out more about Broadcast?
Our website or help centre are the best places to find out more. If you are interested in a demonstration of Broadcast, please contact our LA Accounts Team at LAteam@angelsolutions.co.uk or call 0151 541 4028.
Am I able to access Perspective Lite to see what a school might see?
The NCER has set up a demo Lite account which you can use to see LA data from the school side. Please do not create additional users on this account.
Account Username: training.account
Account Password: Demonstration!23
How do I control the modules a school can see?
Users with the Can access Perspective Services Management Console can control a school's modules via the Admin > Perspective Services page of Nexus.
How do I change a Head Teacher on the Perspective Lite account?
At the moment, only the schools themselves or our Support Team can update Head Teachers. If the Head has left and no one at school is able to retrieve a password reset to their email address, please contact perspectivesupport@angelsolutions.co.uk with the school name, DfE, new Head Teacher name and email address.
How are more users added to Perspective Lite?
School administrators are responsible for adding new staff into Perspective. For more information on this, click here.
Can I reset a school's Perspective Lite password?
If you have access to that school's dashboard in Nexus via the Schools menu and that school has a Perspective Lite account. You can use the Send Login Reminder option within the Perspective tab. That will email the currently registered Head Teacher a password reset link. Alternatively, the school can request a password reset from the Perspective login screen at any time.
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