If you're a virtual school head or simply using the CIN analysis in Nexus, then use this document as your starting point for any questions you might have. (You can also see this short video)
If you can't find the information you need, please contact our support team who would be happy to answer any question you have.
Use of CIN analysis in Nexus is subject to limitations of use set out by DfE. Details are set out in the briefing note below.
To set up a Nexus user with access to CIN analysis, see the article CIN Permissions & Security.
Limitations regarding use of CIN Analyses
NCER Member briefing on the strict limitations regarding the use of the National Pupil Database and NCER CIN Analyses (DfE)
The DfE have imposed strict usage limitations for the usage of National Pupil Database and CLA/CIN data in Nexus. These limitations are imposed on all local authorities due to the early visibility of aggregated national data (ahead of the DfE CLA/CIN outcomes statistical publication in March 2022).
NCER specify that all 152 (of 153) local authorities who are part of the NCER CIN data project must read and comply with these restrictions. Failure to do this may result in the DfE withdrawing access to DfE data and data in future years.
All Local Authorities must read and abide by theTerms and Conditions for use of Nexus
Nexus CIN Pages for Virtual Heads
There are two areas of Nexus from which you can get analysis on your local authority's Children in Need cohort, Nova and Insight.
There are differences and similarities that you should be aware of as you might find that you are seeing different values for what otherwise seem like the same measure.
Nova works off live data so as soon as the data is imported into Nexus, it will be represented in Nova reports. Nova offers you the ability to switch between CIN pupils who have a Child Protection Plan or not. You can also report on the current CIN cohort
See the article CIN Nova Reports Overview for more information. -
Insight works off cached data. This means that you may have to wait until the following day to see imported data represented in Insight.
Guidance on using Insight can be found in Insight CIN Overview.
Nexus Forum for Virtual Heads
The Nexus forum has its own board dedicated to Virtual Heads and others involved with looked after children and CIN for discussions on current events, talking points, changes in policy, best practice, help, guidance, cross-boundary working - anything you'd like to discuss with your virtual school colleagues across the country.
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