Similar to filters, CIN-specific aggregations are only applied to the CIN cohorts (e.g. CiN or CPP) not cohorts from other domains e.g. LA or national.
For example, if you aggregated the reports to show whether the child had a Section 47 during the year, that could only apply to pupils who had been a child in need. In that example NCER National All Schools would not show that aggregation, but NCER National (CIN) would. The same would apply to the regional, and LA domains.
Where aggregations are available in reports, generally two levels will be offered. You can use one, both or neither of these depending on your reporting needs.
If you wanted to compare the performance of boys and girls you could set Aggregate 1 as 'Sex' and you would see the overall result, boys and girls for each domain selected.
If you wanted to compare the performance of boys and girls and split each by whether they had a Section 47 during the year, you would select ‘Has Section 47?' in Aggregate 2.
The splits in each domain would then be displayed together with appropriate results.
When you select/change one of the report Aggregations, that field is highlighted yellow.
The following message appears on screen:
You have unapplied changes! Please click APPLY ALL to update your report.
This is to alert you that your data will not be returned with your chosen aggregation until the green Apply All button is clicked. Once you have selected Aggregate 1 and/or Aggregate 2 as required, click the Apply All button in the Report Parameters pane to trigger the report to run. After a few moments, the report will display in the Report Preview panel.
It is possible to select any combination of aggregations by using the aggregates offered below.
Note that aggregations can be used to replace running a filtered report more than once, but on occasions you may want to combine Pupil Filters and Aggregations. Filters are described here.
Aggregations List
The table below lists the available report aggregations and some of their details. Please note that not all filters are available in all reports or key stages. They can change depending on the report selected.
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