When you select any Nova report, it will initially show a message saying “Please Select Report Parameters”. The report parameters are found to the right of the report window (or above it on a narrow screen). Once you have set the parameters you want, click apply all to show the report.
Default and Saved Parameters
The default settings are to show all pupils. If you have changed these settings then the message at the top shows using modified parameters, and you can click here to revert to the default settings.
If there is a particular set of parameters that you use regularly, you can Save them for quicker access in the future. Please note that the parameters will only be saved for that report, and those saved settings will not be available in other reports.
Any parameters that are applied to the report are outlined in green.
Any parameters that have been changed, but not applied, are outlined in orange. These will not be shown on the report until you click apply all.
School Filter
Allows you to show data for all schools, an individual school, or a group of schools.
School groups can be added or amended in Admin > School groups. If you select a school group, the report will show the combined results for all schools in the group, and the results for each individual school within the group. All other schools are excluded.
Pupil Filters
Nova has an extensive range of filters, which allow you to narrow down the pupils whose data is shown in the report.
Any filters set apply to school, local authority, regional and national figures, allowing you to compare specific groups of pupils with similar pupils elsewhere.
You can apply as many filters as you want in combination.
The majority of filters are available on most reports, although the selection on Key Stage 5 reports is limited. Filters marked with an * may not available on reports that use Keypas data.
Although only the most common filters are shown by default, you can click see more pupil filters to make the full list visible.
Allows you to choose between all pupils, male and female.
This option is only available for Phonics reports where it allows you to choose between:
- Year 1: all pupils in Year 1 who took the Phonics check in the test year.
- Year 2: all pupils in Year 2 who took the Phonics check in the test year (i.e. pupils who did not pass the Phonics check in Year 1).
- Current test year: all pupils, whether in Year 1 or Year 2, who took the Phonics check in the test year
- End of key stage: all pupils in Year 2, whether they took the Phonics check in Year 2 during the test year, or in Year 1 during the previous year
* During Covid-19 DfE required statutory Autumn Phonics collections of year 2 pupils to take place. To access the year 2 autumn phonics reporting users need to select 'Year 2' from the Cohort filter but switch the report year back to the year in which those pupils would have taken their year 1 phonics checks. For example, the Autumn 2021 check is reported by selected 2021 and Year 2 despite taking place in the academic year that would usually be reported as 2022. In that example, the 2022 option displays the 2022 summer check.
Three filters are available for ethnicity, all allowing multi-select:
- Ethnicity (Major): major categories, such as White, Asian, etc
- Ethnicity (Minor): standard categories, such as White British, Pakistani, etc
- Ethnicity: extended categories, such as White English, Kashmiri Pakistani, etc
Please note that this is dependent on LAs having provided this detail in their census upload.
FSM & Disadvantaged
Three filters are available, all allowing All, Yes, No and Unknown:
- FSM Eligible: pupils who were recorded as eligible for free school meals on the imported census.
- FSM6: pupils who had been recorded as eligible for free schools at any point within the last 6 years.
- Disadvantaged: pupils who had been recorded as eligible for free school meals at any point within the last 6 years, those who are in care, and those who have been adopted from care.
Three filters are available, all allowing multi-select:
- Language (Major): English, other than English, unclassified.
- Language (Minor): also includes ‘believed to be English’, ‘believed to be other than English’ and ‘refused’.
- Language: lists all languages that are accepted by the school census.
Three filters are available, all allowing multi-select:
- SEN Provision: Education Health and Care Plan, SEN support, Statemented, No recorded SEN
- Primary SEN Type: Select one or more primary need.
- Secondary SEN Type: Select one or more secondary need.
Service Child
Allows you to show children who are/are not in service families.
Multi-select allowing you to show children who live in areas with different scores on the Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index.
Please note that this is based on the IDACI score and not the decile rank
Only available on KS2 and KS4 reports accessing NPD data. This is derived from the NPD data for KS2 and KS4 where mobility is flagged by the Department in that dataset. DfE populate this field based on whether the pupil joined after 12th September in Year 5 (for KS2) or whether the pupil joined the school in the last two academic years (after 12th September) for KS4. Nexus takes that indicator and turns it into Mobile or Non-Mobile.
Term of Birth*
Allows you to show children who were born in the summer, spring or autumn term only.
Prior Attainment*
Allows you to show children with the specified prior attainment in the previous key stage.
CLA (Standard Reports)
On the main Nova reports, there are filters for In Care and Adopted, that allow you to select All, Yes, No and Unknown.
CLA (CLA Reports)
Several additional filters are available only on the CLA reports:
- Educated School Type: State-funded mainstream, State-funded special, Other.
- CLA 12 months: Show pupils who have/have not been in care continuously since 31 March of the previous year.
- Educated in LA: Select whether children are at school within your LA or elsewhere.
- Ofsted grade: Multi-select for the most recent Ofsted inspection of the school attended (including inspections up to the end of the year selected).
- Periods of care: Multi-select children who have had one, two, or three or more periods of care.
- Period of care starting age: Multi-select the age children started their current period of care. Ages are banded as appropriate to the key stage.
- Period of care duration: Multi-select the length of time children have spent in care during their current placement.
- Period of care placements: Multi-select the number of foster/residential placements during their current placement.
- SDQ Score: Multi-select the bands for the outcomes of the children’s Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire.
Aggregation allows you to see the results of different pupil groups side-by-side. For example, to see outcomes for boys and girls separately, you would set Aggregate 1 to Sex.
You can extend this to two-level aggregation if you want to look at two different contextual factors at the same time. This will show you all combinations of those two factors – so if you were to select Sex for Aggregate 1 and FSM Eligible for Aggregate 2, the results would be broken down as:
All factors that can be selected through Pupil Filters can be applied to Aggregation, except for the extended lists for Ethnicity and Language.
Aggregation is not available on Pupil List reports.
Display Options
Show As
Allows you to select whether you look at Counts (number of pupils) or Percentages. This is only available on some types of report.
Data Source
For some reports, you may be able to select between different data sources:
- DfE Data Feed: the provisional results uploaded through Keypas by LAs.
- AAT: the revised results uploaded through Keypas by LAs.
- NPD: National Pupil Database, which is provided directly to NCER by the DfE – un-amended – amended – final – View the Forum Nexus > General > NCER News > Latest Intelligence about NCER Data Release Schedule.
The availability of different data sources will vary between key stages, and some may not be available at certain times of year.
Show Rows / Show Pages
Allows you to select which domain(s) you want to see on the report:
- Show Emerging National.
- Show National.
- Show LA.
- Show Schools
- Show DfE region.
Please note that even if your access is restricted to only certain schools within your LA, selecting ‘LA’ here will allow you to see the overall average figures for all schools in the local authority.
On CLA reports, the list of options is slightly different:
- Virtual School: shows all children looked after by your LA.
- LA (state-funded schools): shows all pupils in state-funded schools in your LA.
- LA (all schools): shows all pupils in all schools in your LA.
- DfE Region (CLA pupils): shows all children looked after by all LAs in your DfE region.
- National (CLA pupils): shows all children looked after by all LAs in the country.
- National (state-funded schools): shows all pupils in state-funded schools across the country.
- National (all schools): shows all pupils in all schools across the country.
Show Performance
This option is only available in EYFS Benchmark reports.
You can select whether the reports show the number of pupils working at Emerging, at least Expected, or Exceeding.
Sort By
This option is only available in EYFS Benchmark reports.
This determines what order the results are shown in.
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