Insight CLA Cohort Overview
The Insight CLA Cohort page provides contextual information on your LA's CLA cohort, from pupil and school characteristics to CLA characteristics, absence, exclusions and prior attainment.
The "CLA Census (LA)" Cohort is populated by the SSDA903 Header and OC2 files imported via KEYPAS. The children and young people recorded in the Header file are used as the base cohort; this figure is displayed as "Total CLA Cohort". This cohort may include care leavers. The OC2 file is used to identify the CLA 12 months cohort. See below for more information on the 'Current CLA Cohort'.
The page will load with a set of default filters but these can be updated to change or narrow your cohort, when filters other than the default are selected.
If you change filter values, you must click apply for those changes to be reflected on the page. You can click the reset button to revert back to the default set of filters for this page.
You can interact with the page in a number of ways, such as
- Filter to a subset of your cohort, such as those with an EHCP plan
- Click to flip certain cards to see more information
- Click on charts to view a list of pupils
Five main areas are covered within this guide:
Pupil Characteristics: sex, NC year and prior attainment of your CLA cohort.
School Census Characteristics: SEN, EAL and Minority Ethnicity breakdown of your CLA cohort.
CLA Characteristics: SDQ score and reason, educated in or out of LA, CLA cohort Ofsted ratings.
Absence and Exclusions: authorised, unauthorised & persistent absence, fixed and permanent exclusions..
Prior Attainment: expected standard for the relevant key stage.
The page will load with a set of default filters but these can be updated to change or narrow your cohort, when filters other than default are chosen, this will be indicated on the page.
You can click the reset button to revert back to the default set of filters for this page and if you change filters values, you must click apply for those changes to be reflected on the page.
Current CLA Cohort
Your current CLA cohort is probably going to be the cohort you choose for most of the academic year, it is initially populated by matching your SSDA903 to the school census but can subsequently be updated in Nexus.
On a specified date in September the Current CLA Cohort will move forward into the new academic year but won't include those children you have excluded; children can be excluded from your cohort on the Keypas grid called 'Manage Current CLA Cohort'.
For more information about using the current CLA Cohort in Nexus, please view the linked documentation.
Insight CLA Cohort Pupil Characteristics
Both sex and NC Year are charts that will include all of your CLA cohort as they do not rely on a match to another dataset to be populated.
While NC Year will be matched on the school census if it is available, Insight will infer a child's NC Year based on the date of birth available on the SSDA903 where a match to school census is not successful.
If you see the hand cursor when hovering over a chart, it means you can click to view a list of children that make up the displayed figure.
Unmatched Pupils
The other charts in the pupil characteristics section will tell you how many pupils are not matched to a school census record or a prior attainment record.
School Census
Insight will attempt to match each child in your CLA cohort to a school census record, this match is done using their UPN, DOB, and sex.
If the system cannot match a record for a child, they will be included in the charts in this section and in the exports.
Please note that if you would like to see pupils who are of school age only, you can use the phase filter to narrow your cohort to those children.
Prior Attainment
Insight will attempt to match each child in your CLA cohort to a prior attainment record, this match is done using their UPN, DOB, sex and their NC Year.
A child's NC Year will determine what prior attainment Insight expects them to have, if they have no NC Year as they are not matched to census, the system will infer their NC Year from their date of birth.
The following will detail what prior attainment Insight will expect for a child given their NC Year, all children but those in NC Year 2 will be in one prior attainment group only.
- EYFSP - a child who is NC Year 1 or NC Year 2
- Y1 Phonics - a child who is NC Year 2
- KS1 - a child in NC Years 3-6
- KS2 - a child in NC Years 7-11
- KS4 - a child in NC Years 12 and above (this will include those who are no longer of school age).
Insight CLA School Census Characteristics
This section will allow you to explore the SEN, EAL and Minority Ethnicity make up of your cohort, similarly to other areas of Insight, you can verbalise and visualise these subsets of your cohort.
Click 'view details' to flip the card where you get a breakdown of each characteristic, or alternatively click when you see the magnifying glass to do the same thing.
Don't forget anywhere you see the hand you will also be able to get a list of pupils who make up the displayed figure, try hovering over the LA bar on the SEN chart to do this.
Insight CLA Cohort CLA Characteristics
This section is all about the data that comes from the SSDA093 census and some school related information.
Like in other sections you can click the LA bars to see the children that make up the data being displayed on the page.
This section of the page will also give you information about where the children in your CLA cohort are being educated, whether that is a school in your LA and what Ofsted rating that school has.
Insight CLA Cohort Absence & Exclusions
This section of the page will utilise the absence and exclusions information returned in the school census and present that to you in a number of ways.
Like other sections you can flip the cards to view more information and this instance, you will be able to view absence and exclusions reason breakdowns.
As persistent absence is a percentage of children, this card will not flip but you can click the LA bar to view those children.
Insight CLA Cohort Prior Attainment
The prior attainment section is the only section that has its own on page filter, the available values in this filter will be determined by the selection made on the main page filters.
If you choose primary for instance in the main page phase filter, you will only be able to choose from primary NC years and key stages in this filter. The expected prior attainment is included in the bulleted list shown above.
Key articles in this guide
Insight Headlines - Virtual School: key data visualised and reinterpreted for access to a wider audience.
Insight Intelligence - Virtual School: overview and detail of significance testing of results and data.
Insight Data Sources & Methodology Virtual School: where data comes from and how significance is calculated
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