CIN Matching & Inclusion in Insight
A CIN pupil that has been imported by your CIN Census file will only be included in Insight if they are matched to attainment or absence data.
The system will attempt to make a match between attainment/absence data and the CIN census file using a match based on UPN, DOB and Sex - if one of these fields is different to the attainment data held for the same pupil, they will not be matched and hence not included in Insight.
Data Sources
Check the table below for information about the CIN dataset that will be used for Insight (once available) and what attainment dataset we match that to. The wider availability of data for more recent years is also summarised here. (Covid-19 disrupted the data sources for for 2019/20 and 2020/21)
Insight works on cached data, this means you'll find pages load quickly, but you may have to wait until the following morning before it includes data you have imported via Keypas.
Sources | |
Absence CIN Attainment |
Keypas DfE |
EYFSP CIN Attainment |
Keypas Keypas |
Phonics CIN Attainment |
Keypas Keypas |
KS1 CIN Attainment |
DfE DfE |
KS2** CLA Attainment |
** ** |
KS4 CIN Attainment |
DfE DfE |
**For key stage 2 you will be able to choose your own data source on the Insight settings page. If you choose the NPD data source, both CIN and attainment data will be NPD, similarly, choosing a Keypas data source will mean both CIN and attainment data are Keypas.
Significance Testing Methodology
Significance testing is done to determine whether a CIN cohort's value for an indicator is a strength, a challenge or within normal bounds.
Significance testing for KS2 progress is done at pupil level, all other indicators are school level.
School-level 5-sigma Confidence Interval Significance Test
NatStdDev = The national standard deviation of school-level indicator values.
NatAvg = The national average of school-level indicator values.
Coh = The number of eligible pupils in the focus domain (e.g. school).
CI = The 5-sigma confidence interval for the indicator of the focus domain.
Val = The indicator value of the focus domain being tested.
CI = 5 * (NatStdDev / SQRT(Coh))
Sig+ if Val - CI > NatAvg
Sig- if Val + CI < NatAvg
...else, not significant
Pupil-level 95% Confidence Interval Significance Test
NatStdDev = The national standard deviation of pupil-level indicator values.
NatAvg = The national average of pupil-level indicator values.
Coh = The number of eligible pupils in the focus domain (e.g. school).
CI = The 95% confidence interval for the indicator of the focus domain.
Val = The indicator value of the focus domain being tested.
CI = 1.96 * (NatStdDev / SQRT(Coh))
Sig+ if Val - CI > NatAvg
Sig- if Val + CI < NatAvg
...else, not significant
Key articles in this guide
Insight Headlines - Children in Need: key data visualised and reinterpreted for access to a wider audience.
Insight Intelligence - Children in Need: overview and detail of significance testing of results and data.
Insight CIN Cohort: contextual information from school census, CIN Census and NPD attainment outcomes
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