The intelligence page of Insight gives you both an overview and also the detail of significance testing of the results and data for your LA's CIN cohort.
Significance testing is used in order to determine whether your value for an indicator is a strength (green), a challenge (red) or within normal bounds (grey). It illustrates data elements that you will want to be aware of such as areas of weakness in otherwise good results, or alternatively strengths in what otherwise appears to be a poor year.
If you want more information about how significance is calculated, please see this article.
There are two options you can change on this page.
Academic Year
There will be a maximum of 3 academic years at any given point. The current academic year will be available as soon as absence data becomes available in Nexus, later being populated by the attainment results for the virtual school. (Note that data for 2019/20 and 2020/21 were limited by the cancellation of all statutory assessments in that year).
Select Gap to National if you are only concerned with how your Children in Need cohort has performed against the national CIN cohort or Year on Year Trend if you are only concerned with performance against the previous year. When selecting the default - All Dimensions - both will be displayed for each indicator.
Cohort Summary
The top of this page shows a summary of the significance testing performed on your CIN cohort according to the dimensions that you have selected in Options.
For example, when considering absence in the screenshot below, there are 10 possible points of significance. This is because there are 5 absence indicators, and each is tested for 2 dimensions if both are selected (Gap to National and Year on Year Trend).
In the example shown above, for absence, the number of strengths is relatively low compared to the possible points of significance however there are no absence challenges. There are more indicators that are within normal bounds (represented in grey on the bar). Where there are no significant indicators - either for strengths or challenges - Insight makes this clear (see Phonics in the screen shot above).
Click on an area in the School Summary section to jump to the corresponding area on the lower portion of the page or simply scroll down to view each area in turn.
Strengths and challenges show in 2 columns. Strengths are in green on the left and challenges in red on the right. Each indicator is tested for significance and the result will be displayed. If there are no strengths or challenges, this will be stated.
Remember that being within normal bounds is an entirely acceptable result and should not be read as a failure. Omission from strengths or challenges actually represents performance of a decent standard compared to either the prior year and/or the national average depending on the dimensions selected.
The CIN cohort in the example below is significant because their Key Stage 1 reading at the expected standard is significantly higher than the national average for other CIN pupils.
It is possible to have both a strength and a challenge in the same indicator across different dimensions. For example where there had been a significant improvement from prior year performance but the result remained significantly below national average gap, the same indicators might show on both sides, one Gap to National and the other Year on Year trends. This isn't contradictory, it's actually telling it's own story.
CIN cohort sizes
In most Local Authorities the cohort size for the CIN cohort in any given assessment year will be relatively small. Small cohort sizes, with pupils who have significant challenges in their lives and often additional needs, mean that results from year to year will show may show substantial variations. Large rises or drops in results can be particularly emphatic in triggering the significance tests on this page (both for Gap to National and Year on Year trend) but should be seen in the context of that small cohort and their individual circumstances. As a an officer with responsibility for the CIN cohort you will probably wish to caveat any analysis on this basis, whether that looking at high numbers or strengths or challenges in a given area.
Key articles in this guide
Insight Headlines - CIN Cohort: key data visualised and reinterpreted for access to a wider audience.
Insight Data Sources & Methodology CIN Cohort: where data comes from and how significance is calculated
Insight CIN Cohort: contextual information from school census, CIN Census and NPD attainment outcomes
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