Exclusions Collection Rules
There are 3 distinct collections of exclusions data that are returned to the DfE via the pupil census and in each collection exclusion data is reported for 2 terms.
- Autumn Census - Spring & Summer terms
- Spring Census - Summer & Autumn terms
- Summer Census - Autumn & Spring terms
Exclusion Overview
- Exclusion data is collected via the school census.
- Exclusions data is collected for all maintained school including special schools and PRUs.
- It is currently collected for both 1 and 2 terms in arrears (before the Autumn 2019 census, it was only collected two terms in arrears.)
- The DfE do not publish termly exclusion data only for a full academic year.
- Each exclusions is recorded with a start date and a number of sessions; a single session equates to half a school day.
- Exclusion sessions only includes those sessions for which a pupil was due to be in school; for a dual main registered pupil this is particularly important.
- Additionally from the the Autumn 2020 census schools have been able to record up to 3 reasons for an exclusions where previously it was only one.
- Schools and LAs must arrange alternative provision from the sixth day of the exclusion of pupils of compulsory school age.
- A pupil can be excluded for a maximum of 45 schools days in a single academic year. This is across schools.
- Exclusions information relates to all exclusions reported across the full academic year. However, exclusion rates are calculated as a proportion of all pupils on roll as at the January Census day of the relevant academic year.
Rounding and Suppression
- Pupil and exclusion numbers of 1 or 2 are suppressed to protect pupil confidentiality.
- Where the numerator or denominator of any percentage calculated on pupil or exclusion numbers of 1 or 2, the percentage is suppressed. This suppression is consistent with the Departmental Statistical Policy Statement on Confidentiality
- Pupil and exclusion numbers at national and regional levels are rounded to the nearest 5.
- Where any number is shown as 0, the original figure was also 0.
- Symbols used to identify this in published tables are as follows:
- 0 - Zero
- x - Small number suppressed to preserve confidentiality
- . - Not applicable
- .. - Not available
- Exclusions are published by the DfE as a number but also as a rate of exclusions.
- Exclusion rates are calculated based on pupils who are sole or dual main registered at the school (C or M)
Figure 1
- Other exclusion calculations are shown below
- Since we will be doing 1 term and 2 term analysis alongside end of year we will assume the day split shown below as 190 to be 63 / 126 / 190 for AUT, TWO term, and End of year
Characteristic Matching
- Characteristic data collected via the census is also linked to enrolments and used in Nexus.
- This is an enrolment level match, so matching to census records of a pupil in a given school.
- We attempt to match characteristic data in the following order...
- Autumn census of the academic year the absence was recorded in.
- Spring census
- Summer census
- Autumn census of the following academic year.
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