You will need the relevant privileges to view this page, a user can have privileges to view the page and view child level data on the page.
The School Census Cohort page within Insight provides analysis based on the records imported into Nexus from the three annual school census. Taking the data and aggregating it across the NCER community of Local Authorities, the page provides analysis and information with National and Regional comparisons within weeks of validated census information being made available.
This information and analysis is presented in easy to read and access formats including narratives and visualisation that is suitable for extraction and usage in reports and documentation where not directly accessed in the system.
Select Insight>Cohorts>School Census Cohort to load the page with a set of default filters, many variations of filters can be applied to the entire page allowing for specific insights into the school census cohort.
School Census Cohort Insight
As mentioned, this page focuses on the children returned in the three school censuses, each of which must be loaded by the LA to be accessible. The pupil premium file should also be loaded to provide information on this key group in this page as well.
Filters and controls
The screenshot above shows the filters and controls that can be applied. The entire control panel can be hidden and revealed by using the up arrow at the bottom of the panel (and expanded using the down arrow that will replace it)
By applying filters at this level the whole page is updated. You should note that some of the filters will mean that elements of the page might show as 100% or 0%. For example if you filter to Female pupils any indicator relating to girls will shows as 100% and boys as 0%.
- Scope - allows you to select LA, school or school group as the focus of the report
- Term - relates to the termly census within the academic year
- Enrolment status - relates to the status of pupils within the census
- Phase - allows selection of the phase of the school, for example Infant or Junior schools within the primary phase. Some elements of analysis may be considered less relevant when the selection is left on 'all' (for example absence or exclusions).
- Key Stage/NC Year - allows selection of either a key stage or a single NC year. Though 'All School Age (R-11)' is the default, NC Years 12,13 and 14 are also available.
- Characteristic group - allows selection of a pupil characteristics from the census, pupil premium status and IDACI Deciles.
- Comparator - selects the comparator that will be applied to the page alongside the 'Scope' - Regional or National.
Note that multiple filters can be applied at the same time, for example Male, NCY 5, Disadvantaged pupils (obviously this decreases the numbers of pupils and at extremes could mean that you are looking at a very small group even across the whole LA).
Various panels and types of analysis are available on the page, controlled by the filters specified above. It will take a few seconds to update the page when the filters are applied. Underlined text/values will allow you to click the link and bring up school level figures (for example clicking the numerical value next to Year 11 boys will show the breakdown for each school in the LA).
Some panels have an additional control at the bottom
If you click the control, the panel will spin around and provide more detail about the content of the panel. Conversely you can also 'Hide Detail' once that has been spun.
Some panels will also allow export to CSV format by clicking the button.
Where the information icon appears you can click on this for more information about the contents of the panel (for example the pupil mobility panel is explained below). As these are well supported within the page there's no need to repeat those explanations here.
Prior Attainment
The bottom section of this Insight page offers the facility to look at the prior attainment of any year group (or Key Stage) from NCY1 to 11. This changes dynamically so that if NCY1 is selected it will show the EYFSP outcomes for that cohort. If NCY5 is selected then KS1 will be shown and if NCY 8 was selected their KS2 outcomes would be shown. The prior attainment is both verbalised and shown visually.
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