This article is a quick reference. Much more detail is provided in the KS4 Examinations Import section starting with the article here. In that section you will find details on the End of Key Stage cohort, CLA cohort imports, Keypas grids, unmatched pupils and technical aspects.
Key Facts...
Schools receive GCSE exam results from examination boards on the third Wednesday of August. These can be made available to pupils and LAs the following day (AKA 'Results Day')
GCSE results will most likely be received as EDI files; for information on an EDI results file, please see the formats document on the JCQ website.
Some exam boards do not send results to schools via EDI files but through another process, therefore it is also possible to import those results into Nexus via CSV. (There is more information about our CSV import in our article KS4 Exam Results CSV Import.)
KS4 Exam Results Example Import...
Files will be received from schools via your chosen method; you should receive multiple files per school as schools will receive at least one file from each exam board with whom qualifications have been taken.
An example file might look like R1813970.x69 - if you receive files that do not begin with R then they are not result files and you should not try to import them into Nexus.
- Log into Nexus and browse to the import screen...
- Keypas>>Imports>>Import New File>>KS4 Exam Results
As pupils will be matched to results based on a census import, it is possible but rare, for a pupil to be matched the a census record in a different LA, if you don't mind sharing the results with that LA, then tick the box to grant permission.
At the bottom of the import screen you can either drag and drop your file or add related files. The upload button will appear once you have added a file.
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