Key Facts...
This import is restricted to users with Keypas CIN permissions.
The CIN census is a statutory social care data return made by every LA to the DfE, it captures information about all children who have been referred to children's social care regardless of whether further action is taken.
You can import your CIN census into Nexus at the same time you upload your file to COLLECT.
The file needs to be a XML for import into Keypas.
See the video below for a walk through on loading this cohort identifying set of data or refer to the notes below the video.
CIN Census Example Import...
You will produce a single XML file to upload to COLLECT, this file has no official naming convention and for this reason only the header in the file will be validated, not its name.
To import this file, Log into Nexus and browse to the import screen.
- Keypas>>Imports>>Import New File>>CIN
At the bottom of the import screen you can either drag and drop your file or add related files.
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