What type of file is the CIN file I can import into Nexus?
The CIN census file is a XML file, very much like the school census file you already import into Nexus.
What is the filename of the CIN census file?
The DfE do not define a specific filename so it could be anything but they do suggest that it is something that makes sense to anyone handling the file.
What parts of the CIN census file will be used in Nexus?
We will be providing analysis on all data in the CIN census file.
Will there be new permissions to access CIN data in Nexus?
Yes, there will be new permissions to access any CIN data in Nexus, these permissions will not be automatically given to anyone so your LA will have to decide who can access this data in Nexus.
Will there be analysis in Insight and Nova?
There will initially be an import and Keypas grid for CIN, this will be followed by a CIN Insight page and later CIN will be matched to attainment outcomes in Nova.
Will the initial phases of CIN be matching to attainment data?
No, the initial phases will be very much focused on the social care aspect of the data.
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