User Guide
Dynamic tables in Insight allows you to view the varied data contained within Nexus all on a single page; you can add absence data next to key stage 4 data that is next to EYFSP outcomes should you wish to do so - or many other potential combinations.
In 2023 the ability to combine this with school census derived data was introduced into Tables, which can also be presented alongside the original assessment related data sets, adding even more capability and flexibility.
You can manipulate the tables generated in different ways for viewing on screen or you can export the table of data for use outside of Nexus into an unformatted CSV file (something long requested by the member community).
Because of its flexibility, the Tables page of Insight has more controls and options to work with. It may be helpful for you to view the worked example shown in the video at the bottom of this article.
Some of the options available in Tables are different to other pages in Insight so below we'll look through each of them and see how they interact with each other.
Academic Year
There will be a maximum of 3 academic years at any given point, the current academic year will be available and become the default after the spring census.
The academic year you have selected may change whether the page is populated with Keypas data or DfE sourced data (check the data source button above 'About this Page' for more information) or the Insight Data Sources and Methodology article.
Template & Edit Template
A template is the collection of columns and rows that make up a table, you can see the columns and rows in a particular template by selecting it and then clicking edit template. Editing templates is explained more below.
There are different kinds of templates:
- System templates - these can't be changed and are available to all users (you can use them as a start point for a user template though)
- User templates - these are templates that only you see but you can edit them in any way you like. User templates can also be saved for future use.
The --empty-- template is your starting point if you want to create a new table template from scratch though it can be easier to select a an existing template and add to it.
There is also a third template type called a preview template which is covered below.
Group Filter
The group drop-down will allow you to filter your table to specific pupil groups, unlike other aspects of the table it is not contained within the template and so cannot be saved with a template (but this also means that you can select different group filters to use with a template you have previously saved).
Build Table
If you select a new template you will need to click build template for the table to be generated.
Export CSV
You can export any generated table to CSV for use outside of Nexus. This is a particularly powerful feature when you consider the ability to align different datasets - not usually available within the same reports - alongside each other and a definite timesaver when you do need to work with different datasets at the same time.
About This Page
Here you'll find information and useful links to things such as this guide.
Dynamic Table
A table can be made up of a number of domains, pupil groups, indicators and measures; to find out the full list, skip below to the edit table section.
Once you have created your own table you will be able to select it from the user section of the template drop-down.
Table Sorting
You can sort columns from highest first or lowest first, any blank values (shown as dashes above) will not be included in the sort and so will always be shown at the bottom.
Only top level domain rows are sorted, not the lower level pupil groups.
Table Visualisations
The value column has a data bar in its default form so that you quickly scan the column to see values that are particularly high or low.
You can switch this bar off, along with any colouring and symbols applied to values in the table. Switching visualisations off is a good step to take before exporting to CSV.
Table Paging
If you have created a table with a large amount of data it will flow onto multiple pages, the default number of rows on a single page is 25 but this can be increased to a maximum of 75.
If you have more than 75 rows in your table then you can use the page navigation in the bottom left, either click next to scan through the pages or type the page number in the box and hit enter on your keyboard.
Edit Template
Click edit template to change the table you are viewing, or select and edit another template.
The academic year and template will be populated with those selected on the previous screen.
You will notice that if you change the academic year the template will reset to the first one in the list for that academic year and this will in turn change the selection of everything else below it.
You can rename and delete a template from here by using the icons to the right.
The drop-down in the indicators section includes the different areas for which you can choose indicators, this enables you to choose indicators from different areas (key stages) and add them to the same table. You can now also select from the Autumn, Spring or Summer census to add data items from the census to the table you are wanting to build.
You will notice that as you tick an indicator it is added to the bottom of the box under the title Column Order.
See primary indicators or secondary indicators for a full list.
Column Order
This is the order that indicators will be displayed on your table, you can move indicators up and down by clicking and dragging them to the position you want.
Click the X next to the indicator or untick in the indicator section to remove from your table.
You can choose which measures will be included on your table, for a list of all measures click Insight Tables Measures.
The domains are the main rows of your table, these are the ones that will be sorted when you use column sorting.
The All Schools and Single School domains cannot be added together, once you choose one you will be unable to select the other.
Pupil Groups
Select as many pupil groups to add to your table as you like, these will be sub-rows of the domain row and as such will be duplicated for each domain you choose.
Aside from the rename and delete buttons at the top of the edit template page there are some other available controls, including:
If you want to discard any changes you have made you can click the close button or the X in the top right of the page.
Save Changes
This button will only be active when you have selected a user template because you cannot save over a system template (which is available to the whole user community).
If you don't wish to create a new template, use this button to save the changes to the selected template, you will be warned that your existing template will be overwritten.
Save A Copy
If you don't wish to save over your existing template you can choose to save a copy, you will be prompted to give the template a new name.
You can also save a copy of a system template if it has most of the columns and rows that you want on your template.
Preview and Preview Template
The preview button and template should be used if you are looking at data for a one off request.
Let's say a colleague comes and asks what is the overall absence percentage in 2017/18 for minority ethnicity disadvantaged females. You don't know what template this might be in and you don't want to save a new template with just this information, so you can use the preview functionality.
Add the relevant columns and rows and rather than saving the changes click preview this will then generate the table for you but using the special preview template, which is overwritten each time you create a new preview.
This way you can respond to requests without creating new templates that you will end up having to delete.
Worked Example Video
The video below was produced for the 2021 Annual Members Meeting and provides a worked example of using Insight Dynamic Tables. Some newer options may now be available, but the fundamental functionality remains as shown.
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