Insight Pupil Groups allows you to look at the context and outcomes of key vulnerable groups within your Local Authority.
The text snippets and charts on the page can be easily copied and used to support your LA reporting processes. as with other areas of Insight, the verbalisation of the data can be useful in finding interesting and illustrative ways to explain the data.
There are a number of options you can change on this page...
Academic Year
The current academic year is available after the spring census (and becomes the new default) but a number of previous years are available to select
The academic year you have selected may change whether the page is populated with Keypas data or DfE sourced data, check the data source article on the left of this page for more information.
The scope determines whether you are looking at aggregated data for your local authority, data for a single school or a group of schools.
If you choose a scope of 'school', don't forget you also need to search for the school you are interested in.
If you choose the area of absence or key indicators, there will be more scope options to choose from, below is a list of all possible scope options...
LA: All Schools - all indicators as all schools will be included.
LA: Primary Schools - primary indicators as only primary schools will be included.
LA: Secondary Schools - secondary indicators as only secondary schools will be included.
LA: Special Schools - all indicators as most special schools will be cross-phase.
My Schools - any indicators available for the schools that a user has been allocated
School group - any indicators available for any group of schools that has been set up within Nexus
School - any indicators that are available for the selected school.
Type 3 letters in the name, or the establishment number to find the school you want to focus on.
Only schools that have data for the selected academic year are available; this can be data in any one of the available areas.
Pupil Group
Choose the pupil group you are interested in, all data on the page will be filtered to your selected cohort.The pupil groups you can choose from are...
Disadvantaged (the default selection)
SEN No Recorded Provision
SEN Support
SEN Support & EHCP
Pupil Groups Context
The top section of the page details the contextual makeup of the pupil group that was selected.
For each of the available groups this will include the following:
- Text detailing the makeup of your cohort.
- The number in each NC Year.
- The number of males and females.
- The percentage of Minority Ethnicity pupils.
- The percentage of EAL pupils.
For SEN pupil groups only:
- Percentage of disadvantaged pupils.
For disadvantaged pupil groups only...
- Percentage of SEN pupils.
- Pupil Premium finance totals.
Pupil Groups Intelligence
The second section of the page uses similar functionality to the Insight Intelligence pages and shows whether the selected pupil group is significant when compared to the national comparison cohort (detailed below) and displays the results in this section. This offers both a summary of the strengths and challenges and then the detail for each point.
Below are the national cohorts that your cohorts will be compared to for significance and gap calculations. These generally reflect accountability gap measures:
Disadvantaged compares to non disadvantaged pupils nationally
Non Disadvantaged compares to non disadvantaged pupils nationally
SEN No Recorded Provision compares to all pupils nationally
SEN Support compares to all pupils nationally
SEN EHCP compares to all pupils nationally
SEN Support & EHCP compares to all pupils nationally
Significance testing is limited to gap-to-national and year on year value trend on this page, these are the key dimensions you will find on the LA and school intelligence page options.
Please note that if your cohort for any area is less than 6 pupils, all areas will be suppressed and no significance testing will be performed.
Pupil Groups Outcomes
Select the area you are interested in (for example Absence or EYFSP) and then the group from that area; the group will contain similar indicators from the selected area. For example, groups in the key stage 4 area are Progress 8 and Attainment 8. Some groups consist of only one value.
The section below the drop-downs will then update to reflect the choices:
As with other sections this includes some text that you can copy and use elsewhere as well as gap trend and rank information which are specific to your selected pupil group.
The main gap comparator for the selected pupil group will be the one at the top.
What this area of Pupil Groups gives you is the ability to view and use data presented like Insight Headlines, but for key pupil groups rather than all pupils.
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