Once imported, the pupil premium data is used across a number of Nova reports and also presented as an element of analysis through Insight.
For those current assessments in Nova Reports, there are no specific pupil premium reports. Instead, additional filters and aggregations have been added to each of the reports available in Nova to allow you to use any of these for your pupil premium analysis. These are presented alongside census derived filters.
Pupils who are in receipt of pupil premium are often termed ‘Disadvantaged’ in performance tables and this is matched in Nova reporting though individual elements of pupil premium are included as shown below. Within Insight, some elements of Analysis refer to the Disadvantaged cohort.
The simplest pupil premium filter/aggregation in Nova reports is to select ‘Disadvantaged’ which groups all pupils for whom which schools are in receipt of pupil premium.
It is possible to filter, group and aggregate by specific aspects of the pupil premium indicator with Nova Reports including:
- FSM6
- Disadvantaged
- In Care
- Service Child
Please note
A pupil is classed as Disadvantaged if they have any one of the above aspects apart from Service Child. Pupils who are just Service Child are not classed as Disadvantaged unless they have one of the other aspects as well.
Within Nova Reports these additional pupil premium filters can usually be found in the See More Pupil Filters area of reports. As some of these are sensitive data items additional caution (beyond that used for any pupil level report) should be used with the distribution and storage of any report that (directly or indirectly) identifies children and includes their status as service children, adopted or in care. Given the nature of that information about pupils, pupil level reports using those filters should be protected accordingly.
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