The school intelligence page presents the user with both an overview, and detail of significance testing for an individual school. Significance testing is done to determine whether a school's value for an indicator is a strength, a challenge or within normal bounds. This gives LA officers a very similar view to that presented to schools through Perspective Lite (if offered in your LA).
There are a number of options you can change on this page...
Academic Year
The current academic year is available after the spring census (and becomes the new default) but a number of previous years are available to select
The academic year you have selected may change whether the page is populated with Keypas data or DfE sourced data, check the data source article on the left of this page for more information.
The default dimension is Key Dimensions, each indicator will be considered for significance for each of the 3 available dimensions when this is selected.
Select Gap to National if you are only concerned with how the school has performed against the national cohort.
Type 3 letters in the name, or the establishment number, to find the school you want to focus on.
Only schools that have data for the selected academic year will be available; this can be data in any one of the available areas. PRUs and Special Schools are not included.
School Summary
The top of this page shows a summary of the significance testing performed on the selected school.
A school is tested for significance in 3 ways, also known as dimensions...
- Gap to National
- Year on Year Trend
- Rank Trend
If you selected/left 'Key Dimensions' under options then only Gap to National and Year on Year Trend will be displayed in the summary. By selecting 'All Dimensions' you could add Rank Trend to that significance testing, but this does cause an element of duplication in the significance tests.
As we see in the below screenshot, absence has 15 possible points of significance, there are 5 absence indicators, and each is tested for 3 dimensions when 'All Dimensions' is selected. (The possible points of significance would show as 10 if 'Key Dimensions' was selected)
Click on an area in the overview section to jump to the corresponding area on the page.
Strengths and challenges show in 2 columns, each indicator is tested for significance and the result will be displayed.
The school in the example below is significant because their RWM Expected Standard has increased from 51.9% in 2017/18 to 59.9% in 2018/19.
It is possible for an area to be both a strength and a challenge where - for example - there is a year on year improvement in results which is mathematically significant but the gap to national for the same area remains significant (i.e. this are improving, but there's still a long way to go). The reverse scenario could also be case - year on year results could decline but from such a high level that the gap to national is still significantly positive.
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