The Insight - Intelligence - LA page highlights the schools and indicators that LA officers need to be aware of, reducing the need to pour over tables of data on schools when trying to understand the relative strengths within your Local Authority. Significance testing is done to determine whether a school's value for an indicator is a strength, a challenge or within normal bounds.
There are a number of options you can change on this page...
Academic Year
The current academic year is available after the spring census (and becomes the new default) but a number of previous years are available to select
The academic year you have selected may change whether the page is populated with Keypas data or DfE sourced data, check the data source article on the left of this page for more information.
The default value for this option is All Areas: Key Indicators, this is a combination of indicators from all key stages, and also key absence and exclusions indicators. Selecting a specific area, such as key stage 2, will include all indicators for that area, not just those that are considered key indicators.
If you want to know more about the indicators that are available in each area in Insight, take a look at the following articles:
The scope determines whether you are looking at aggregated data for your local authority primary, secondary or all schools or a group of schools. Please note PRUs and Special Schools are not included.
If you choose the area of absence or key indicators, there will be more scope options to choose from, below is a list of all possible scope options...
LA: All Schools - all indicators as all schools will be included.
LA: Primary Schools - primary indicators as only primary schools will be included.
LA: Secondary Schools - secondary indicators as only secondary schools will be included.
My Schools - any indicators available for the schools that a user has been allocated
School group - any indicators available for any group of schools that has been set up within Nexus - start typing the name of the group to select it
The default dimension is Gap to National and compares your schools only to the national cohort. If you select Key Dimensions, each indicator will be considered for significance for each of the 3 available dimensions when this is selected. Year-on-year trend will compare results to the previous year's figures while Rank Trend compares the relative ranking against schools nationally and how that has changed. These values are tested for significance.
LA Summary
Schools which are deemed significant will be included in the count shown on the indicator cards, click the text below to see why those schools are significant.
The default options for this page will test a school's significance against the Gap to National Dimension, but you can also select from...
- Gap-to-National
- Year-on-Year Trend
- Rank Trend
- Key Dimensions
- All Dimensions
The count on the cards when considering all dimensions is a distinct number of schools, a single school could be included in both the strength and challenge count as they can - for example - be counted as a strength in year-on-year trend (improving results) but a challenge in gap-to-national (still along way from national results despite the year-on-year improvement.)
When a single dimension is being considered a school exists in the strength or challenge count but not both, a bar is therefore added to the card to indicate proportions.
Click the text below the school count to see the list of schools, and why they are significant.
If you select all dimensions, a school can have a maximum of 3 rows, if you have selected a single dimension, there will be 1 row per school.
You can click on the school name or the arrow above the values to view the associated school intelligence page for more detail.
School List
The school with the most strengths or challenges will be at the top of each respective list.
The count for each school is indicative of the options selected...
If all dimensions for the absence area has been selected, the maximum possible count would be 12 (4 indicators and 3 dimensions).
You can click on the school name to view the Intelligence - School page.
Click on the count next to the school to see why that school has been deemed significant...
In the below example Test School 1 is significant for overall absence because its gap to national is -1.67%.
Test school one could also be significant for overall absence because their value last year has decreased, this would also be shown in the strengths box.
Clicking the school name takes you to the Intelligence - School page.
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