The Insight Headlines page gives you access to the key data you are frequently asked for, but also visualises and reinterprets those figures to make them accessible to a wider audience.
The text snippets and charts on the page can be easily copied and used to support LAs reporting processes.
Options opens automatically when you enter Insight: Headlines. After being closed, it can be re-opened by clicking the purple 'Options' button or any of the choices in the Area menu (which remains on screen).
As you notice from the screenshot below, you have a button to switch list view and card view (card view shown in the screenshot). No matter how the information is displayed, you can only apply the changes you have made to this screen by selecting an indicator (for example clicking the Good Level of Development card in the screen shot below). If you close the pop-up with the close button or the cross at the top of the pop-up, your selections will be discarded.
There are a number of options you can change at the top of this pop-up.
Ac. Year
The current academic year is available after the spring census (and becomes the new default) but a number of previous years are available to select
The academic year you have selected may change whether the page is populated with Keypas data or DfE sourced data, check the data source article on the left of this page for more information.
The default value for this option is Key Indicators this is a combination of indicators from all key stages, and also key absence and exclusions indicators. This is what is displayed on the options popup when entering Insight: Headlines. Selecting a specific area, such as key stage 2, will include all indicators for that area, not just those that are considered key indicators. You can also click directly on a specific indicator from the list/cards displayed in the options pop-up.
You will notice that the Area menu remains available in this page - even after you close the pop-up - and you can click on it at any time to display key indicators for a given reporting area when the pop-up opens again. However, you will not enable the full drill down into the value, trends and ranks sections until you select a specific indicator from the options available - only doing this will allow you to apply the changes you've selected.
If you want to know more about the indicators that are available in each area in Insight, take a look at the following articles:
The scope determines whether you are looking at aggregated data for your local authority, data for a single school or a group of schools.
If you choose a scope of 'school', don't forget you also need to search for the school you are interested in.
If you choose the area of absence or key indicators, there will be more scope options to choose from, below is a list of all possible scope options...
LA: All Schools - all indicators as all schools will be included.
LA: Primary Schools - primary indicators as only primary schools will be included.
LA: Secondary Schools - secondary indicators as only secondary schools will be included.
LA: Special Schools - all indicators as most special schools will be cross-phase.
My Schools - any indicators available for the schools that a user has been allocated
School group - any indicators available for any group of schools that has been set up within Nexus
School - any indicators that are available for the selected school.
Virtual School (CLA) - this option is only available to users with permissions to see CLA data and is covered in this article.
Children in Need (at 31st March) - this option is only available to users with permissions to see CIN data and is covered in this article.
Type 3 letters in the name, or the establishment number to find the school you want to focus on.
Only schools that have data for the selected academic year are available; this can be data in any one of the available areas.
The default comparator is National. Changing the comparator will replace the national values on charts and in text, with your chosen comparator (for example Regional, Statistical Neighbours or schools in selected Ofsted categories)
Note: the rank section of the page will no longer be displayed if a comparator other than national is selected as ranking only functions across all LA areas.
Value Section
Once you select / click on an indicator, the value section (displayed on the main screen) will focus on the value of the indicator, we can see in the example below that a value of 78.4% was achieved in EYFSP good level of development.
By default the value section opens on EYFSP Good Level of Development simply as it is the first indicator available. You will need to use options / area to change how what is displayed.
The value is visualised in a chart, while the accompanying text gives more context to this value.
The trend over academic years is shown in a bar chart, along with how your value compares to the national - or comparator you have selected - in that year.
The adjacent text adds context to the data displayed in the chart.
Comparison Section
If you want to know how your LA compares to the national average, or regional average, you'll find those answers here.
The gap between your LA value and chosen comparator is shown in the first chart, this is shown for up to 3 academic years, depending on the availability of data (remembering that most assessments were cancelled during the pandemic in the 2020 and 2021 assessment years).
As in other sections, the accompanying text will add context to the data in the chart.
The second part of the comparison section is all about relative change, the difference between your value and the selected comparator over academic years.
While your value might have increased from one academic year to the next, the national value may have increased more and so your relative change can be negative, even when your value has increased between academic years. This is also explained in the text. 5
Rank Section
This section is all about rankings, your LA will have a rank between 1 and 100, 1 being the best.
The LA is also grouped into a decile (groups of 10), and you'll see the lowest and highest achieving LA values in that decile.
If your LA is ranked 1st, you'll see the chart marker at the top of the chart, while those ranked 100 will be at the bottom in the red section. This allows you to see changes in ranking over the last three academic years.
Options Pop-up indicator outcome performance rating
While in the options pop-up you will notice that there is now Significant Strengths and Significant Challenges colour coding.
These are explained below:
- Gap: The difference between the selected scope's value and the national value has been calculated to be significantly better than other schools/LAs nationally.
- Trend: The trend value has been calculated to be significantly better than other schools/LAs nationally.
- Percentile: The percentile value has been calculated to be significantly better than other schools/LAs nationally.
- Gap: The difference between your scopes value and the national value has been calculated to be significantly worse than other Schools/LAs nationally.
- Trend: Your trend value has been calculated to be significantly worse than other Schools/LAs nationally.
- Percentile: The percentile value has been calculated to be significantly worse than other schools/LAs nationally.
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