You will need the relevant privileges to view this page, a user can have privileges to view the page and view child level data on the page.
The Insight CIN Cohort page provides contextual information on your LA's Children In Need (CIN) cohort, from pupil and school characteristics to CIN characteristics, absence, exclusions and prior attainment.
Select Insight > Cohorts > CIN Cohort to load the page with a set of default filters, many variations of filters can be applied to the entire page allowing for specific insights into the CIN cohort.
CIN Cohort Filters
If you change filter values on the page, you must click 'apply 'for those changes to be reflected, you can click the reset button to revert back to the default filters.
Child Export CSV
This export includes all children in your CIN cohort if you don't apply any filters, the filters applied to the page will also apply to the export.
If you apply a Phase filter or a Pupil Group filter then the export will not contain children who do not have a school census record from a school in your LA.
Academic Year
The latest three academic years are available in the CIN Cohort page
This filter allows you to select the CIN Census (LA) option but when CIN NPD data is received from the DfE this will also be available.
CIN Group
- Total CIN Cohort (All) - This is a distinct count of children returned in your children in need census.
- Children in Need (CIN) - This is the number of children in need at any point during the year, this will include any child who is not assessed as no further action required regardless of whether their referral was within the current year.
- CIN at 31 March - This includes any child who has a CIN record in your census without a closure date.
- CINO - Children who are classified as CIN excluding those that have a CPP or are CLA.
- CINO at 31 March - Children who are classified as CIN at 31 March excluding those that have a CPP or are CLA.
- Child Protection Plan (CPP) - Children who have a child protection plan at any point
- CPPO - Children who have a child protection plan at any point, excluding those that are CLA.
- CPPO at 31 March - Children who have an open child protection plan at 31 March, excluding those that are CLA.
- Section 47 - Children who have a section 47 at any point in the collection period.
- CLA - Children that are looked after, any child that is returned in the SSDA903 census for the same year.
- CLA 12 Months - Children that are returned in the SSDA903 as CLA 12 moths for the same year.
Phase (NC Year)
Phases are determined by matching to a spring school census record where it is available but will also use the child's date of birth as returned in the CIN census where a school census record is not available.
Pupil Group
A child's pupil group is determined by a match to the spring school census or the pupil premium file for disadvantaged.
CIN Characteristics
- Trigger Trio - This filter will consider the assessment factors identified for a child, a child will be included in this filter when those factors include substance abuse (drugs or alcohol), domestic violence and mental health. Only a child who has at least one assessment factor in each of these group will be included when this filter is selected.
- More Than One Referral - Any child who is identified as having more than one referral within the reporting year.
- CPP Length - The length of a child protection plan is the difference between the CPPstartDate and CPPendDate, where there is no end date this is set to 31 March of the census year.
Comparator data adapts to the number of LAs that have imported, particularly when calculating rates per 10,000 children.
CIN Cohort Pupil Characteristics
Sex and NC Year charts includes all of your CIN cohort as they do not rely on a match to another dataset to be populated.
While NC Year will be matched on the school census if it is available, the system will infer a child's NC Year based on the date of birth available on the CIN census where a match to school census is not successful.
If you see the hand when hovering over a chart, it means you can click to view a list of children that make up the displayed figure.
Unmatched School Aged Children
This chart tells you how many children are not matched to a school census record or a prior attainment record.
School Census - The system will attempt to match each child in your CIN cohort to a school census record, this match is done using their UPN, DOB, and Sex. If a match cannot be made, the child will be included in the chart and export.
Prior Attainment
The system will attempt to match each child in your CIN cohort to a prior attainment record, this match is done using their UPN, DOB, Sex and their NC Year.
A child's NC Year will determine what prior attainment they are expected to have, if they have no NC Year as they are not matched to census, the NC Year will be inferred from from their date of birth.
The following will detail what prior attainment is expected for a child given their NC Year, all children but those in NC Year 2 will be in one prior attainment group only.
- EYFSP - a child who is NC Year 1 or NC Year 2
- Y1 Phonics - a child who is NC Year 2
- KS1 - a child in NC Years 3-6
- KS2 - a child in NC Years 7-11
- KS4 - a child in NC Years 12 and above (this will include those who are no longer of school age).
CIN Characteristics
The majority of charts in this section will respond to the drop-down at the top of the section as they display a rate per 10,000 children in your LA; this rate is calculated using national census data collected every 10 years and available on the ONS website - ONS Population Statistics
Rate of Children - When calculating a rate per 10,000 children in your LA a distinct number of children returned in your CIN census is used.
Rate of Total Count - When calculating a rate per 10,000 children in your LA a total count of records in your CIN census is used when there is more than one per child.
Episodes of Need
The following conditions will exclude a record returned in the CIN census from counting as an episode of need.
- The referral was in the current reporting year and marked ReferralNFA=True
- There is no section 47 or child protection plan recorded, the child was assessed and the reason for closure is RC8 (Case closed after assessment, no further action).
Referrals & Assessments
Only referrals that have a CINreferralDate within the current reporting year will be included in this chart. Similarly for assessments to be included they must have a AssessmentAuthorisationDate that is within the current reporting year.
CPP & Section 47
All child protection plans included in the CIN return will be counted and included in the rate figure, it does not have to have started or ended within a given time frame. Section 47's however will only be counted in its rate if it began within the reporting year.
The ICPC complete in 15 days percentage will be calculated based on section 47's taking place within the current year.
CIN Details
The charts in this section will include all data that is returned in the CIN census, there are no exclusions based on date.
All of the charts in this section are also based off a percentage of total children in your cohort and not a rate of children in your LA.
CIN Details Charts
Disability - Percentage of your cohort that have a disability vs those that do not, also the text will include the most frequent and least frequent recorded disability.
Primary Need - Percentage of your cohort that have a primary need of abuse & neglect vs another primary need, as with disability the text will include the most and least frequent recorded primary need.
Initial & Latest Category of Abuse - All categories will be included on this chart and as above they will also include the least and most frequent categories in the text.
Reason for Closure - All categories will be included on this chart and again the most and least prevalent reason for closure will be included in the text.
CIN Cohort Absence & Exclusions
This section of the page will utilise the absence and exclusions information returned in the school census and present that to you in a number of ways. Like other sections you can flip the cards to view more information and this instance, you will be able to view absence and exclusions reason breakdowns. As persistent absence is a percentage of children, this card will not flip but you can click the LA bar to view those children.
CIN Cohort Prior Attainment
The prior attainment section has its own page filter, the available values in this filter will be determined by the selection made on the main page filters.
If you choose primary for instance in the main page phase filter, you will only be able to choose from primary NC years and key stages in this filter.
The expected prior attainment based on the NC Year is listed above.
Matching & Rounding / Suppression
The CIN Census data imported by each LA is matched with two other datasets, the spring school census and prior attainment data held in Nexus.
As there is no corporate parent responsibility for CIN children, the system does not show any school census pupil level information for children who have not been successfully matched to a census record from a school in your Local Authority.
Aggregated LA numbers WILL include children who are not educated in your LA if they are included in your CIN census and can be matched to a school census record in another LA.
Consider the following 3 scenarios when determining how your cohort is used on this page:
Scenario 1 - A child is included in your CIN census and is matched to a school census from a school in your LA.
This child will be included in all aggregations and all child level pop-ups and exports.
Scenario 2 - A child is included in your CIN census and is matched to a school census from a school that is not in your LA.
This child will be included in all aggregations but none of the child level pop-ups or exports, with the exception of the main page export in the filter section but only when you do not change the phase or pupil group selections from their default value.
Scenario 3 - A child is included in your CIN census and not matched to a school census record.
This child will be included in all CIN aggregations but none of the child level pop-ups or exports, with the exception of the main page export in the filter section but only when you do not change the phase or pupil group selections from their default value.
- Count values on this page will be rounded to the nearest 10 for comparator domains (regional and national)
- Comparator domain (regional and national) percentages will be rounded to 1 decimal place.
- All other percentages will be rounded to 1 decimal place by default, but 2 decimal places may be used where appropriate.
- Rates will be rounded to 0 decimal places.
- All other averages will be rounded to 1 decimal place by default, but 2 decimal places may be used where appropriate.
- Percentage and average values will not be based on rounded numerator and denominator values.
- Any gap calculations that use a non-LA value on either side of the comparison will use the rounded values.
- Count values are between 1 and 5.
- Percentage values with a numerator between 1 and 5 or a denominator between 1 and 10.
- Average with a denominator between 1 and 5 will be suppressed.
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