New for 2024, NCER is pleased to bring the LA results day KS4/GCSE collection inside Nexus. Previously this had been undertaken as an online survey of LA aggregate level results. For 2024 that will be within Nexus and managed through the processes described below.
(For information on the separate KS4 Results Day school level data collection, see the guidance here.)
Collecting results from your schools
The KS4 LA results day aggregate collection depends on self-reported LA data from across England. LAs will need to collect the data from their schools before submitting it and you will probably wish to ensure your schools are aware of the measures you will be asking for before the day of the collection.
The measures that can be loaded into Nexus are as follows:
- Attainment 8 average score
- EBacc average points score (APS)
- EBacc entry rate
- EBacc pass rate (4+ and 5+ separately)
- Basics (pupils achieving in BOTH Maths and English) pass rate (4+ and 5+ separately)
- English pass rate (4+ and 5+ separately)
- Maths pass rate (4+ and 5+ separately)
In order to create the aggregate and correctly weight it for the number of candidates in each LA, the collection will also need the number of pupils included for each of the above measures that are submitted (which may be different for each). This is something that most LAs will have done for a number of years for local reporting purposes and can be supplemented by the KS4 Results Day school level collection mentioned above. See Appendix A at the bottom of this article for a full list of items that can be collected.
Update the 2024 KS4 LA results day data to the data template document
The template document is available at the bottom of this article as well as in the Import wizard for this collection. LAs will need to include a single line of results for their entire LA. You should NOT put school level data into this template. (In order to aggregate the results, LA will need to calculate the aggregate values for their submitting schools before inputting to this sheet as noted above).
In addition to the results above you will also need to provide the number of pupils included in each result (total for the LA) to allow the results to be correctly weighted within national averages.
At the start of the template, there are five additional fields that need to be completed:
- Email address (of the person making the submission)
- Local Authority (LA name)
- Local Authority Number (3 digit LA number)
- Region (DfE region name for your LA)
- Is this a complete dataset? (Respond YES or NO only - please do not include any description or other text. This is just indicating whether you have any schools missing or there is a full set of results for every KS4 state-funded school in your LA)
These items must be included in your import. The full list of assessment outcome measures collected is listed below in the Appendix (and excludes special schools).
You will also need to supply:
- Total number of pupils in mainstream Y11
- Total number of special school pupils in Y11
Save the template when completed to prepare for the next step.
Importing the template into Nexus
Though you can subsequently edit an imported return in Keypas, the first import of data needs to be carried out through the import wizard. Select the option for KS4 LA Summary Results Day:
This process will take you through the wizard (including providing the template if needed though that is the same as on this article). Ensure that the year is correct and then drag/navigate to the completed import template.
The import will be queued and - if everything is accurate - processed quickly to be loaded into Nexus.
Once this process has completed your return has been completed (though you can make changes in the event any more results are received/restated).
Viewing the results and making edits
Results can be viewed/exports through Keypas grids:. Navigate to Tree View > KS4 LA Summary Results Day > Exports LA - this will show you the results for any LA that has submitted results.
Please note that the grid will only appear in Keypas if your LA has imported your version of the file.
In addition you can navigate to Tree View > KS4 LA Summary Results Day > Exports Comparator - this will show you the aggregated results for National and Regions.
In either case, results for each LA making submissions may not be complete. An LA may have submitted results for a single school if this was all that they had available. LA are advised too include that caveat in sharing any of the data within their LA.
The national picture can be relatively simply judged for completeness against the assumption that there are approx 600,000 pupils in any given year group.
These results can be exported from Keypas using the Export button.
Amending your submission
You have two options when it comes to updating or amending your LA submission. You can choose to reimport the whole dataset again or you can use Keypas grids to edit any value (for your LA).
Navigate to Tree View > KS4 LA Summary Results Day > Imported Data > LA where you can view the current results for your LA. You can edit these results within Nexus if you wish to do so. Please ensure that you save any changes before exiting.
Appendix A - Full list of fields that can be collected from schools
As noted above there there are a number of measures that Nexus can collect (though LA's do not have to collect all of them). Every measure that is collected does require an accompanying number of pupils included in the collection. This is essential to allow calculation and correct aggregation at the LA level (as provided in your submission) and upwards, particularly since not every school might provide every measure requested.
This list does not include the fields that the LA will add as part of their collection and are provided solely at the LA level.
In practice, though you could request and collect the measures below directly from your schools, in order to aggregate them to the LA level you would need to multiply them out anyway, therefore you may find it easier to collect totals and numbers rather than percentages and use those to calculate the averages/percentages that you will import into Nexus
For example you could ask your school for Total Ebacc score and divide it down by the number of students to determine the average.
While schools can access different scores in most MIS systems, it may be simpler for them to provide in one way or another and therefore the LA may received mixed responses from the schools and need to amend/calculate differently for different schools.
Note that except where asked specifically, all figures EXCLUDE special schools (the exception being where we ask for the number of special school pupils (column G))
- Average Attainment 8 Score
- Number of students included (Attainment 8)
- Alternatively, collect Total Attainment 8 Score direct from schools and calculate the average using number of included students
- Average APS score for EBacc
- Number of students included in Ebacc APS
- Alternatively, collect Total Ebacc Score direct from schools and calculate the average using number of included students
- % achieving Ebacc (based on grade 4+)
- Number of possible students included in Ebacc 4+
- Alternatively, collect raw number of pupils achieving Ebacc at grade 4+ direct from schools and calculate the % using number of included possible students
- % achieving Ebacc (based on grade 5+)
- Number of possible students included in Ebacc 5+
- Alternatively, collect raw number of pupils achieving Ebacc at grade 5+ direct from schools and calculate the % using number of included possible students
- % entered for Ebacc pathway
- Number of possible students included in Ebacc pathway
- Alternatively, collect raw number of pupils entered for the Ebacc pathway direct from schools and calculate the % using number of included possible students
- % achieving Basics (English and Maths) at grade 4+
- Number of students included in Basics (English and Maths) at grade 4+
- Alternatively, collect raw number of pupils achieving Basics (English and Maths) at grade 4+ direct from schools and calculate the % using number of included possible students
- % achieving Basics (English and Maths) at grade 5+
- Number of students included in Basics (English and Maths) at grade 5+
- Alternatively, collect raw number of pupils achieving Basics (English and Maths) at grade 5+ direct from schools and calculate the % using number of included possible students
- % of students achieving grade 4+ in English (Best)
- % achieving grade 4+ in maths
- Number of students included in English/Maths at 4+
- Alternatively, collect raw number of pupils achieving English/Maths (individually) at grade 4+ direct from schools and calculate the % using number of included possible students
- % of students achieving grade 5+ in English (Best)
- % of students achieving grade 5+ in maths
- Number of students included in English/Maths at 5+
- Alternatively, collect raw number of pupils achieving English/Maths (individually) at grade 5+ direct from schools and calculate the % using number of included possible students
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